Thursday, November 29, 2012


Crying: Meaning:Adjective:“demanding attention”& “Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible”                                                                                                         
Noun:The process of shedding tears                
Crying is sort of taboo in our society, we are taught to be happy and spread happiness and this message is fed to us from everywhere from parents to relatives, Movies and songs etc. Everyone will tell you to be happy, keep smiling but nobody will discuss about crying but that is obvious. Crying is  associated with pain and No one wishes pain to other but in practical world where we always have thousand desires, Pain is inevitable so as the crying. We start our life with tears, Tears output of activity known as crying. That is the only time of our life when everybody expects us to cry and that too aloud one.What a entry? and by chance if someone try to sneak in to this world quietly, they never let you do that. Any how do you know our tears are constitute of water, hormones and number of chemicals? It contain hormones prolactin,adrenocorticotropichormone, Leu-enkephalin and the potassium and manganese.
Not only that there are many different type of crying. we can discern it into two main categories Emotional one and non emotional one. It is also known as lacrimation which mean just shedding tears. Our body shed tears when some foreign particle enters into out eye to remove it from eye or when we are under emotional trauma.
I witnessed two different crying episodes today. In both cases, crying was emotional crying. In first case it was a kid (7 year old), his father was taking him to some place and he had no plans to leave his mother behind so he was yelling and crying like anything and trying his best to get out of his father’s grip. I think he tried his best for around 10-15 minutes and after that he got engaged into something else. I really enjoyed whole show. In other incident it was totally a different experience, An adult is trying her best to hold on her tears and she too tried her best to hold on her tears till as much as time she can. I left her alone to complete try her best but I am sure. She has been still trying hard to hold her tears. I witnessed both incidents for  the same period of time but I was amazed at the difference and similarities of the emotional outbursts.
Both parties(A kid and an adult) had some unfulfilled desires, which became reason of pain and out come was outburst but point to be noted over here is the magnitude of pain, which was same in both cases( I assume that) but the way that kid recovered out of it was amazing and that is what ? forced me to sleepover  this case of crying. As kid, his desire was momentary and when he realized that now he can’t overpower his father’s grip he surrender  and start enjoy next best thing close to him and he didn’t try to shroud his feelings because of embarrassment. Instead he express them freely and cried on the highest pitch  of his voice and once his energy was exhausted, he didn’t let that negative thoughts prevail  in his mind. On other hand my an adult friend, she was afraid of showing her emotional side to me  and she had plans to keep her negative energy inside her so she did that and that’s why she will not able to lose that pain and with time it will keep growing unless until she will let it go. CRY …..seriously whenever you fell like crying, cry the way you laugh and enjoy it…just observe, when you are crying next time.there are sort of waves rising and falling in side (that might be diaphragm action) from mid of your stomach and goes up to your throat. Even though you wish to speak it out but just because of that wave which is in your mouth you can’t utter a single word and some you will feel lot of energy in you and at the same time you will feel so helpless that you can’t able to move your hand and once you are done with crying. You will feel great relief or sort of rest in your body. You will feel as if just now you had done some exhaustive job. Next time experience cry in this way :).
In this fashion you will not only over come your negative thoughts but at the same time will have gratitude towards the desire (person thing or xyz etc), which had bring that experience to you and you will see table is already turned around.

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