Thursday, November 22, 2012

I have been pierced by the arrow of love, what shall I do ?--------------Bulleh Shah

I have been pierced by the arrow of love, what shall I do ?
I can neither live, nor can I die.
Listen ye to my ceaseless outpourings,
I have peace neither by night, nor by day.
I cannot do without my Beloved even for a moment.
I have been pierced by the arrow of love, what shall I do ?
The fire of separation is unceasing !
Let someone take care of my love.
How can I be saved without seeing him?
I have been pierced by the arrow of love, what shall I do ?
O Bullah, I am in dire trouble !
Let someone come to help me out.
How shall I endure such torture ?
I have been pierced by the arrow of love,
what shall I do ?
I can neither live, nor can I die
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He was lover of his guru and god. Moniker for his god was Ranjha / Heer. He always remember his god as a lover. He describe his feeling in metaphors and whenever I read him, it seem as if he wrote these poems for me only. I don’t know? what I am searching for but I am sure it is either god or Heer. as I wish, one day I too will  love like him.
I know who you are, I know who I am I know the truth and the meaning of love. God is singing within your heart breathing inside your breath more close than a hand within a glove or a thought within the head. If you listen, my friend, with an open heart you will know this declaration's true the Truth? You forgot some time ago the surprise - the revelation's you you wrote this poem yes, you back then when your heart was filled with ecstasy blind drunk on the clear wine of love. (Shah)

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