Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Democracy: Right to vote or more than that?

What is democracy? Does it mean just a right to vote and choose Member of parliaments? We, the Indians are very much proud of our democracy,” world largest democracy “. What type of  democracy it is? Where voter have no practical right on the leader whom he had made member of parliament. where public servants always have notion that public is their servant. I asked these question to myself:
1. If we have a democracy then why not government ask me to vote for any important bill ?
2. If we are in democracy then why all leaders travel in cars/planes and burn crores of rupee in their luxuries and my fellow citizens are dying of hunger every year?
3.If I am living in a democratic country then why I am so helpless after elections?
4.Why my employee (member of parliament) whom I am recruiting and paying salary (hefty one with lots of perks) is not accountable to the work he/she is supposed to do? 
5. Why do this employee, is not disciplined? Why don’t he/her have any targets to accomplish in his/her tenure ?
In countries like USA, with 50 states and 3033 counties but still they have open house debates before every election and before implementing any new bill. why it is not possible in world largest democratic country with just 640 districts ?
But still question is what is democracy ? Is it a form of governance in which system is by the people and for the people.  Did we miss-understood its definition or our leaders ? I found below picture “the evolution of Democracy in India” on net, where we are heading toward? but one thing is sure only our leaders and politicians are not only responsible for this dilemma, we too are. They are also one of us. 

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